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 Alessia Yamanaka

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Age : 36

Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 02, 2013 2:20 am

Quote :

Dear diary

There's serious problems in Sunagakure. I spent most of this morning with Akiza and she seemed quite alright and flirty.. turned Kaga's head as he kept trying to refuse a threesome. Akiza ran off to the hospital and scared a family that was in for a check-up! So then it was time to do some of the mind control play we talked about.. Then there was some kind of a raven.. and it was from Senseui.

I wish i'd never mentioned him earlier. It started Akiza all weird.. Kaga said it was folly. He SAID it and I tried to back him up by watching the gates. Really I did my best.. peered under hoods.. poked into minds and none of it mattered a bit. I was set up.. Akiza and Kaga slipped out somehow. I stand by my promise to paddle her like a canoe when she gets back, even if this means I have to save her myself.

No more Miss Nice Alessia, I quite fancy Akiza and if cutting a path through her boyfriends is what it takes then it's what it takes. She won't thank me for it but if she gets so hot and bothered by Sensume being the bad boy she has no cause to complain when I have my own wicked way.

Or at least you'd think so. Kirito informs me that I am 'sick' because I threatened to implant memories of a nonexistent puppy dying to screw with him if he told Akiza I used the word 'Hussy' to describe her. (In the most affectionate way, I swear!) Anyway he doesn't seem to want to speak with me anymore.

Well good, I haven't got the time for people that make such a fuss when you speak your mind. There's more important things to do like persuading the Kage's to send forces with some real bite to take the Kunai 4 out. At this point its not about rescue.. it's about showing that our villages have the power and can enforce judgement on those that defect.

I mean Yokuei is different. She's just a mercenary.. she doesn't actually defeat whole squads or.. Actually Yokeui isn't so different. But I know she'd never hurt me as badly as they did. As much as she rages at the leaf village and our family, we are almost as close as twins, and even if she can be derranged she never forgets that.

I still don't want her hurt. But i'm growing indifferent about these four. Their arrogance is beginning to annoy as much as their deeds. Some real power needs to be mobilized to show them they arn't as strong as they think they are. I bet if I had whatever strength they get from those Kunai I could have taken them on and won.

Regardless, i'm growing more drawn to the idea of having an obedient love interest. It's slightly wicked, know but something special did happen in the temple. Making choices for someone, taking control of their body at will for whatever purpose I choose. It has its appeal and in some ways it's uniquely Yamanaka, despite being without precedent.

I wonder if Akiza would ever enjoy such a thing? She professed to like the idea if it involved Sensui and his Genjutsu. I suppose the only way to find out is to try it, and beyond the fact neither Akiza nor Kaga have returned from wherever they went I still don't know if I have the bottle to just suggest such a thing. She might still be playing.. She really didn't seem to trust my presence today.

Though I do really like her flattery and good looks. Maybe Akiza isn't even the one? But who then? It's difficult to know who would accept such a thing. Someone proud would be more satisfying.. Kiri? -highly- unlikely but I can see the appeal.

Formulatic? Ritualistic? Am I even sure its being in charge i'd like? I did essentially ask two Tajutsuists to spar me on the basic premise that I might enjoy the blows, should my meagre defence prove insufficient. .. This.. probably isn't the best subject for a journal. Even if Sensui is probably getting his paws all over Akiza right now..

Why does him being a bad guy make it so much more frustrating that i'm not in any way involved? Is it because it makes her a damsel? But am I regarding her as a Damsel or as a prize to be claimed? I wonder if she'd like that? Maybe if I had real power.

I wonder what it would take to become Kage of The Village Hidden in the Snows?.. I should put some research in.. What I do know is that i'm not content with my lot..

Maybe Seero, Kiriti and Shuyin could assist me in rescuing Akiza? They all seem pretty solid Ninjas?

Anyway journal, time for rest. It's a been a stressful day but all will come right in the end, i'm certain of it.
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 02, 2013 1:59 pm


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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 03, 2013 5:08 pm

Quote :

Dear Journal

I'm writing this on return from the front-lines. War has come to Sunagakure and the Kunai 4 are behind it. We were assembled into a platoon, two squads in order to storm the temples together and remove it as a staging area for strikes into the city itself.

After a short, bloody battle between ourselves and his minions Masaru surrendered and we tried to send him back to Sunagakure. He broke off though and I rather meanly suggested he be executed as a possible liability. Well the little bastard did almost finish me off when I was at his mercy..

Anyway for this mission we had Shuyin, Kaga, Kirito, Mikoto and Myself as well as two Jounin and Masaru had three additional supporting Kunaiwraiths.

Kaga really broke their lines when his tag took most of them into serious condition and then I was able to turn the warrior attacking Mikoto against his companions. Which ended in a victory for us. I am a little bit sore about what happened next.

Since well.. after we had defeated the enemy, several of our Ninjas departed for Suna with Masaru and did not return with him. Leaving us a Jounin and one of the most competent Genin short for our attack on Boushi.

Masaru wasn't controlled and fought bravely for us, although something very strange happened when I finally breached Boushi's mental defences. He or the Kunai was able to talk back.. Offering me things. Boushi said I could rule aswell and agreed I could have all the women to myself.

What kind of a demand is -all the women- anyway? I should have had more than that. Anyway I was still mulling the offer over when the link broke and I didn't quite make up my mind until the Jounin went.. well.. supercharged. After that I figured the thing was pretty much over and yes it largely was but Boushi fought on and banged up a few more of us.

After the battle I had to begin medical treatment, and then I looked for a certain Lady Priestess I had been acquainted with in the past.. killed and raised as the living dead, garbed flimsily like a harem girl in mockery of her beauty and sweetness.

I was left with no choice but to put her down myself, hand to hand and see to her cremation. It occurred to me shortly before I did so that her family might have wanted to give her a funeral for some sort of closure but it wasn't her family that showed up to try and save her, was it?

I deserve the closure and they should just be happy I freed her from being such an abomination.

Boushi was incredibly strong and I can feel.. a weakness in me. The appeal of holding one of those Kunai is growing stronger. I think its partly seeing what Boushi and Masaru were able to do and yet escape judgement and execution. There are so many desires I could follow if only I could be assured of the same treatment. The power itself is secondary.

Sensui too is an inspiration, simply beating down her lover and claiming her.. simple.. elegant. Quite admirable really considering how most others simply choose to beat Akiza herself down. Her reaction will be key in deciding if that is what makes her melt. I pride myself on my moral flexibility!

I think when I become Chuunin I will be better placed to begin maneuvering for political position, afterall there's a chronic shortage of Jounin and other Chuunin, or so I have gathered from the fact Genin are being told to lead their own missions.

There has been tension from that aswell.. some, like Seero or Shuyin himself have no respect for the position of temporary leadership bestowed and refuse to follow orders they disagree with. I wonder how long before Genin leadership is no longer considered worth the tradeoffs.

Anyway.. time to get a hot shower.. a nice meal and a little alone time and maybe some rest. I might die in a few hours, best to enjoy a few of life's pleasures before then. xxxx

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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 3:29 pm


EDIT: Paid!
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Apr 04, 2013 8:00 pm

Quote :

Dear Diary

The battle today was most epic and yet.. I hardly feel like I was pivotal at all. I was excited when I was able to join in but I was relegated to the role of medic and my Chakra use with medical techniques is astounding. I was half empty helping a bystander before we even got into combat.

Fortunately my chakra use with Genjutsu is alot better and I was able to somehow last the grueling battle thanks to ingestion of Chakra pills, though I had to really pull my punches due to the Kunai's control.

I mean, the last time I tried to take over Boushi the link ended up being 2 way so I couldn't chance it here. Even if it worked once before.. maybe their Kunai aren't as good?

Regardless Masaru and Kaga teamed up to take down the traps while I helped the old man. Unfortunately he was so far gone with infection that saving his life took alot of time and Chakra we could have used to question him. So we didn't have much to go on.

Well that said Baykugan works as well as intelligence from the field most of the time. The plan was for the two Jounin and two of us to fight Sensui's minions while the other two entered to assault him. This wasn't a very good plan, honestly we'd have been better if we had Kaga to help us defeat the four quickly because he was beaten up by Sensui anyway..

That said I swear those four Ninja we fought were Jounin level, maybe Chuunin level plus whatever the Kunai does. They thwarted our two superiors at every turn and the freaking Hojo blinded me!

Not one of my attacks took and I was left vulnerable and bleeding.. trying to repair myself. It was a tense battle.. but eventually we triumphed and entered the temple. Masaru bonked Sensui on the noggin with his bonerang and then.. his corpse disappeared.

This got us in a serious state as we tried to rush Kaga with first and the mysterious stranger left. Kaga said she's 'ok' but how can he be so sure of her agenda? Anyway Sensui's Kunai broke, we realized but we had to swiftly report to the Kazekage instead and.. we ran smack dab into Sensui as he was leaving. Apparently all of them are pardoned from execution but with strict restrictions on their chances of promotion.

Seems a little silly to me, if they really are criminal scum they'll just resent it and grow more powerful until they can take revenge. Being Genin doesn't mean they will be weak, just underestimated. I know that Masaru is a powerhouse and Boushi was very strong too.

How will I ever reach that level? I'm lost! The Kazekage said we had glowing records and a bright future as Chuunin. Then he made sure we understood that wasn't a field promotion. Way to get our hopes up!

Anyway I spent some time with Sensui. I seem to remember loathing him, but he's not all that bad when I think on it. Just quiet, and he has plans and dreams. Grand ones.. and he's way less intolerant than Kaga. Kaga is like 'no Akiza are my thing, get your own' as if she was an icecream cone!

Anyway i'm going to cut this entry short, I need to get ready for my trip.. xxxx journal!

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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 05, 2013 7:43 pm

Quote :

Dear Diary

I spent the last few days trying to contact a family member, sending out little messages in the hopes they would find me, but despite braving the way to a distant village it seems as though they chose not to join me. Well that's just rude!

On my way there I spent some time at the devastated temple, I hope it made sure that anyone inclined to follow me would come to the conclusion that my actions were solely to mourn and leave me in peace. I maintained some supplies there for my return in order to make it seem like I would not be gone long.

The journey was uneventful, and proved what I sometimes thought.. that one Ninja travelling alone is far more likely to go unnoticed than a team. The little village wasn't much, even though I desire to own it. Quite alot of work would have to be done in that case.

Nevertheless I was left alone and by the time I had returned the village was.. rather quiet. A handmaiden of my dear friend Akiza approached me to tell me why and I.. tried to wile away the bordem, but alas.. Knowing where everyone had gone made my actions a foregone conclusion.

I slipped back to the temple, looting my supply cache and taking brief rest before crossing the rain and fire border with speed. Surprisingly I arrived before the others.. and took some time to gaze through the fine goods.. I ended up not buying anything. I'm not Akiza who probably has a daily spending allowance that expires if not used!

Anyway Akiza slipped off with Kaga to get our rooms and in retrospect I probably helped to save her for marriage when I returned to fetch them.. why did I do that? Well because Angelus/Zero showed up with his Kunai to take Arietta away with him to pixieland or whatever was in his head.

Arietta was thoroughly unreasonable about avoiding him altogether, so Boushi and Masaru had to beat sense into him just over the border.

Afterwards is where the drama really started to simmer. Arietta decided that she couldn't stand to see children playing happily with sandcastles and decided to re-enact one of those old monster movies by stomping all over it.

As is common when Ninja are upset someone retaliated with explosives, and Arietta was left with a skull supposedly belonging to Kitesu and a very bad mood. It might mean war of some sort. The Inka really think highly of themselves, expecting the whole Alliance to just rally to them whenever their feelings are hurt.

All the Kurayomi i've met (outside the covenant) have been really chill, misunderstood sorts that feel like they are the victim of Inka prejudice. Shiori says they have a history of murdering each other with intent to genocide which in my mind counts worse against the Inka.

How can you have a generous, smiling open handed clan of social butterflies when they have historically committed intentional genocide against other clans? There's something a bit phony there no matter how you slice it.

Arietta came by to apologize a while ago. Apparently she called me a dizzy blonde whore or something. I wasn't really listening to her anyway. Who breaks sandcastles? Honestly.. I really wish i'd been able to film it for sharing.

Oh well.. I'll just have to content myself with imagination.

Raaaawr.. Arietta Smaaaaash! xxxx

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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 05, 2013 8:04 pm

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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 06, 2013 11:38 pm

Quote :

Dear Diary

I spent most of yesterday practicing with a blade. Satsume-san suggested I find Setsuna-san but the reasoning he gave made it hard to do. Apparently just swinging the blade like I was doing was certain to result in my breaking something in a real battle.

I mean I know i'm being unreasonable and would probably do better with a teacher but.. come on! Someone criticizing every little thing I do with the full authority that they're being helpful? Quite insufferable! So i've watched some sparring instead, seeing how blades are gripped and used, trying to absorb the knowledge of Kenjutsu battle psychology and the correct way to execute attacks by watching.

It's was a semi productive day. There's only so much I can learn by watching, but at the same time I feel like i've learned alot about the basics. I won't humiliate myself around the Arashi again. Maybe around Setsuna, but he'll just make sly witticisms and might offer to teach without being asked.

It's a little odd to hold a sword still but I can inflict considerable damage on fixed targets without breaking my wrist, even if i'm worse in such things than I am in Taijutsu. Learning the delicate dance of blades will take more time. Oddly enough Shuyin is quite encouraging.

He seems to use the blade along with Genjutsu to devastating effect, proving that there exists synergy for me to exploit.

I've also been musing on what the weaknesses of Genjutsu are and it becomes quite obvious in hindsight. The technique can be broken and the longer it lasts the more opportunity there exists for any involved party to do this. Therefore a Genjutsu to properly cause swift injury to the spirit and leave the opponent only briefly disoriented is the key.

Infact the Death Sentance Genjutsu is the epitome of this. I should probably work on a refined version, a C rank while useful won't always be the best choice in a fight.

On top of that I may have to develop my own fighting style, though I plan to learn the Dance of the Hokage in order to attend such ceremonial functions to raise my prestige. I've thought of some technique names and a few types of attacks and defences that might work, but it will be better to stick to basics for the moment.

The absolute key to my fighting style however depends on enhancing my gifts with reading people, in real combat predictability is death, and I intend to assure it for any that would stand against me. Uchiha have a reputation for this but I believe I can match it, and I hope exceed their talents in this area.

Of course this will all be for nothing if I can't co-ordinate my own attacks well enough to exploit it. I imagine it would be frustrating beyond belief to be able to anticipate an attack yet be unable to react in time. Thus training must take place every day until I reach my potential, along with meditation in crowded areas to develop the picking out of thoughts.

Especially I mean to follow a group and try to anticipate what the group as a whole is planning, and follow them to compare it. In this way I will refine my skills of stealth and mental reading both.

xxxx Just saw two cute girls, time to see what they're doing! I think they are going to meet up with some boys and head to a party.. but girl a (brunette) seems to think girl b (redhead) is cute.. so I can't risk missing how this turns out!

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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2013 12:55 am

Quote :

Dear Diary

I continued to refine my techniques, to a point. I am having only slight difficulties mastering the blade techniques but it will take considerable practice with the blade to bring it onto line with my other skills. That is hopefully primarily because my other skills are sharp, but i've refrained from sparring with other Ninja because most people that use swords are specialists.

Of that subtype who put alot of effort into their skills, physical prowess and their own fighting style many will have weapons of awesome power handed down through generations of their clan. These are all advantages I must seek to make my own in time, if I wish to become a great Blademistress.

In training today I learned how to counter-attack an enemy that attacks in close combat, which brings home how much more deadly and visceral close combat can be. That is good, gaining the ability to kill and put down adversaries by physically overpowering them was a major reason behind this choice. Lashing out with punches and kicks thus far hasn't had any effect.

Kenjutsu can be effective without Chakra, allowing me to fight longer and do more damage, or conserve my chakra for medical purposes. Although the more advanced styles will be challenging and I must work to balance this. It's alot more complicated than you'd think!

I spent the middle part of the day with Shiori and Zero. Shiori is quite good company, we're in a sort of weird place where we arn't anything besides friends but we.. re-enact book scenes? Hmm. It's interesting though because it doesn't imply commitment.. and also because of that within the context of her being a hopeless romantic? I'm interested to see how she turns out!

We headed off to the hot spring Arietta mentioned the other night and spent some relaxing time in the hot, mineral-infused water. Even if Shiori was convinced it was just a pond with delusions of grandeur. Zero left when Shiori protested that she didn't want to do.. well.. anything with company around. This after saying she felt more comfortable enjoying a spring in the nude!

We headed back to town before we got 'too' immersed in water and started to dissolve and that led us in to the mystery of the mirror and the monkey. A bounty was posted on a wanted monkey named Monty. Actually the name is much longer but remembering the name of a monkey? Hah!

The Mirror he had was a tricksy Hojo artifact that created exact doubles of Jei, Zero, Shiori and Myself and to be honest once I found out Alezzia wasn't hostile, except in response to my own hostility I did what any self respecting girl attracted to her own sex would do. I introduced myself physically and had a really good time!

I mean there were people watching but it's not every day this opportunity appears. I didn't get too distracted though, I was able to help save the mirror from Zero's desire to punch it and that has got to be worth something at least. When we went for our reward however the receptionist insisted that we.. destroy our clones.

This in my opinion wasn't worth it because I am not writing a journal entry horny and without my own solid facsimile to enjoy the company of. I might have to see how far Shiori plans to go physically without any real commitment.. I'll probably scare her off but she should be at the bank depositing her pay.

Time to hop off and find out about the 'shy' girl. xxxx!

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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2013 7:10 am

Quote :

Dear Diary

I might have messed up with Shiori, the last thing I remember was painting a slightly vivid scenario and her scooting off in.. fear? Embarrassment? I'm not sure where i've mis-stepped. I probably just raised her blood temperature a little too hot for comfort.

Anyway, after that I spent a little while patching up Zero after his spar with the Arashi bossman, Satsume. I think Zero lost considering that I had to rebuild him. Fortunately I had the technology! After that Shuyin came along and wanted to fight Zero and demanded to know why I wasn't a mother yet. Asshole!

Then he moved on to trying to get Zero to say he was gay. In retrospect he obviously wanted to record it, he's done that before, even though it's a total dick move. Well, it's to be expected from rustic ricefamers like him. After that I spent some time at the Inka Compound, where everyone besides me was 'gossiping' and no-one would tell me what about. I hope Arietta isn't spreading more rumors about Zero.

Powerful Inka or not sooner or later she'll go too far and bite off more than she can chew with someone with more connections than she realizes, and it'll be what.. the third time someone has tried to scorched-earth them? That doesn't just happen by accident!

Ok, maybe that was a bit extreme, but being in Suna with them is irritating, the other clan's just do whatever the Inka want because they seem to be bored without drama of their own (being reasonable, cool headed people). The Inka agitate and stir things terribly, when you look at it all on a balance scale.

I'll be glad to get out of Suna and restore the leaf to proper prominence, maybe our Hokage is a weak idiot, but she's pretty cute and i'd definitely show her favor if out positions were reversed! I.. just wouldn't trust her with any missions above a B rank.

Oh, burn.. I hope no-ones reading this that shouldn't be!

So I found Kirito afterwards and tried to squeeze him for information. He wouldn't squeal so I stabbed him. Woah, back up!

We had a conversation about whether I was sexist for having a preference. Maybe I am a bit, but pretty girls receiving favor, especially from men is accounted for widely. The same is true for a given range of male beauty. It's hardly uneven.

I decided to try him as a sword sparring partner because his clan focuses in Ninjutsu, meaning he's likely to split his training and be more on my level with the sword. This actually proved to be true, he didn't seem thrilled to be fighting at all, or fighting a girl either and held back a bit.. But I could tell he was fairly impressed that I could match what he was putting into the match.

That said, all those moves tired me out incredibly and I really need to build my physical endurance so I can do these swings all day without getting out of breath or incredibly fatigued. I did eventually get him to yield.. by this time we were trying to scratch our names in each other's skin like the masked man in that movie. Zeerroo, I got an A on him first.. when he fell over. What a klutz!

Actually in point of fact he ended up yielding after falling into the pond. It seems like a serious problem he has, when he does poorly it seems to end in over the top pratfalls. Could it be a curse I wonder?

Hmm.. anyway dear diary, it's time I hit the showers and got ready for bed. Maybe today I can find Setsuna and impress him with my.. eh.. stunning good looks seems like my best hope. He's reckoned a good teacher though and maybe he'll open up more when we have something in common.

.. Tomorrow night i'm definitely inviting Shiori to cuddle-sleep, she slightly edges out my extra pillow in softness and comfort. xxxx

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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 08, 2013 11:53 am

Excellent all 3!

EDIT: Paid!
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 09, 2013 11:57 pm

Quote :

Dear Diary

So last night I ended up spending almost the entire day in the Inka compound and it was kind of.. stuffy. Kaga, Kirito and Shuyin and Zero and Satume oh and Setsuna were all there, and it didn't quite feel.. uhm.. harmonious.

It started off kind of good, Setsuna returned from whatever mission he'd been on and I was able to get him to agree to teach me some sword moves! So he showed me to his room and then he let me borrow some training clothes and a wooden sword for training. He said he was going to teach me hard work and discipline.

Well at least I think that's what he said. Something about learning to hate him. So I took the initiative and changed in front of him, just really quickly. I can't tell if he was looking cos I turned my back. Anyway after that we went out to train. Arietta is oddly contemptuous of my training with the sword. I guess that's because she gave up archery to use a sword as well and think's she must be better at it because of how she's all royal?

Akiza is a bit like that kind of. Maybe I should Taijutsu spar with her one day and see what kind of a dirty peasant she thinks I am when I win? Dirty succubus slut, maybe? I kind of want to now! I always wanted to spar Akiza in unarmed combat, but never thought before it was a battle I could win. I guess things do change..

I'm growing less and less satisfied with my role as a medic. As they say, with great power comes great expectation and after every spar I have to stitch people up at great effort and Chakra expenditure only to have to do it again when Bob who they owe a match to comes crawling out of the woodwork the moment i'm done.

I also get no real respect. People don't seem to realize how creepy the Inka's source of power is. I doubt they'd let the other necromancers, the Kurayomi have free reign over them at the edge of death or in times of helplessness.

The Inka, by contrast are sought.. Maybe they just want someone to pretend to care and the implied aftercare if they die on the table. I personally think they'd resent being consumed for one of their unholy Jutsu, but not everyone is as bigoted as I am.

Ah but i've gone on a wide wide tangent. Setsuna showed me some tricks and basics of the trade. Mainly he focused on maintaining control of the battle and never allowing anyone to box me into a corner where I can't use my dexterity to maneuver out of the way. He also said that tiring out an opponent is a valid stratagem.

Also covered was the necessity of doing more than defending, as it allows the opponent to have control. I have to make sure an enemy is reacting to me, rather than the other way around. It sounded like good advise, though Setsuna is much stronger than I am and it showed in how he covered mobility to play to what I can do.

He was quite complimentary on my abilities and even said he'd consider a date with me if I asked again! I'm really kind of flattered that he cut my top, I mean it means he wanted to see. I guess some men don't get that just because I might not want to bed them i'm not flattered by the interest.. nor incapable of showing some appreciation of it.

Besides Setsuna is beyond beautiful, its hard to think of a really pretty boy as being a man! There's a few things I guess i'd do for him.. mhm xxxx

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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2013 5:33 am

Quote :

So Diary..

After training I was 'treated' to uh.. Satsume putting forward his little clan member Kirito forward for training by Setsuna aswell. Then he put me down infront of my Sensei. That's really not cool, and normally Satsume is the cool headed one that tries to smooth things over?

I suppose it's possible that Kirito's feet were so cold and his knees so chattery that Satsume had to stiffen his spine a little to get him to accept the training. Nonetheless I have a rival now, if he can be called that! I don't feel all that threatened, truthfully. Kirito is a nervous meek thing with psychological weaknesses to exploit!

Anyway.. Shuyin and Kaga had a bit of a falling out and then Arietta encouraged us all to hug. So I decided just for fun to try hugging Kirito to see how much injury I could inflict on him in the process! He kind of deserved it for agreeing with Satsume earlier that my clothes were too revealing. He all but said I was ugly!

To my surprise he tried to kick me, but I was -much- too quick for his weak little attempt and went to work trying to crack his ribs!.. then he uh.. squeezed my ass and then threatened to -lick my face- if I didn't let him go which is the most ridiculous threat -ever- so I ran away screaming.

After that he started calling me a demon. A DEMON.. I have no idea what kind of demon he imagined I was but apparently it was ugly. I corrected him that the sort of demon I was my true form was just a bit taller with white feathery wings and considerably larger breasts.

.. Then he said my breasts were small.. and I threatened to drown him in a fountain.. and he said he'd kill me if I tried and the only reason he hadn't was he didn't have his swords.. and then I was like 'come at me bro!' and he was like 'No' and Arietta was like 'no fighting' and it wasn't much fun.

He totally got away with insulting me. Kaga even said I was evil, but not a supernatural demon. You'd think Kirito would believe a Baykugan user, wouldn't you? Hmm.. anyway that was kind of a wasted night.

Then today all that really happened was some fighting in the Inka Ranch. I'm not even sure I care who won, it was just some ego trip. Shuyin snubbed me for healing again. Being a medic is a waste of time i'm starting to realize. It just ends up with people being told to keep me out of combat and irritating things like that.

I spoke to Zero about Arietta and told him maybe it's his eezy ohzzy attitude that's the problem. There she is hanging with two guys practically drooling over her and Zero isn't there, or particularly bothered about it. She plans to go on a date with a woman she confessed an attraction to and he doesn't care about that either.

At this point i'm starting to think it has less to do with Zero's orientation and more to do with the fact he doesn't react to any attempt to make him a bit jealous? That's probably what she's trying to do. Get her 'own back' on him for Mikoto and she's just going further and further because she can't get a spark of jealousy going in Zero.

At least that's assuming Arietta isn't collecting notches for her bedpost. Her rapier is named Kitesu, which would annoy me considerably were I her lover. I would refuse to compete with the fondly remembered dead, I have more pride than -that -at least.

Well.. time to get back to sword training! xxxx

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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 10, 2013 2:51 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 12, 2013 1:07 am

Quote :

Dear Diary

So apparently Zero fixed his relationship with Arietta and there was never a problem. Well that's an interesting way of putting it but i'm glad he's happy! Goodness knows he's one of the few decent guys around!

Other than that the main thing that happened recently was.. well..

Reconstructing what happened after the fact; A woman appeared in the honored court looking for help and found Masaru and Kemuri. Masaru got me. Apparently she was there to deliver a ransom demand for a farmer and she was his daughter?

The problem with this scenario is that such ransoms arn't worth paying. The Ransom for a Shinobi is considered worthwhile because the replacement of a ninja is commensurate with a ransom or a like for like exchange. This also encourages the taking of live captives rather than the easier path of killing.

In this case paying the ransom would create an easy stream of income for this two woman gang and encourage more kidnappings in order to procure more ransoms. In this way it differs even from a Genin, since a Genin is a risk to capture. They invariably fight back and as a bandit or other scrub you risk defeat in the attempt.

This 'protection by inevitable violence' that any Ninja has separates us from civilians. The feat of capturing us cannot be easily repeated for a safe reward ad infinitum.

I digress. At this point Masaru contacted me through some sort of technique and we headed with the girl to the farm. She was a very pretty thing, and it's a shame what happened to her. I suppose Kemuri can't be blamed for being a bloodthirsty bastard, anyone knows that we inevitably trade our captives back in exchange and I guess the status quo must have bothered him.

I wouldn't have minded if we hadn't been duped, after the battle, where I was fantastic, by the way. I got the little arrow-spewing miss where I wanted her and sent her to whomp her team mate. This ended up being pretty bad because she somehow substituted with me and I had to defend myself.

Put the silly elf in a fugue state. She ended up reaching for a bomb tag she didn't have and that bought us some time. Kemuri used his Ninjutsu to blast through the opposition, he seems to be oddly professional and calm. His attitude to killing is almost refreshing, I just wish he hadn't gone ahead with it on his own initiative.

I could have told him the girls last thoughts were fear and confusion at having been moved into the path of the blade, that the real targets were escaping.. I did, but it was too late.

After he'd had his way with the bodies we had to chase them down where they were recovering and wrap them in Ninja wires. It's a shame we lost that girl, she was quite a looker. Frigging bitch.

If I ever catch her alone with no-one to tell i'll figure out how to make her henge into a frog and then make a seal to block her from ever henging out of it! Yes I will! I'm mad! Do you have any idea how easy farmer's daughters are supposed to be? Meh..

Anyway, we'll see how this develops. Apparently they're not wanted for anything. Well the pointy eared bitch crossed me on a mission once. So she's a covenant mercenary. The weird blue skinned bitch caused death by goodguy to two poor innocents. So they can rot for all I care.

If today was a food it would be the sweet taste of victory turning to bittersweet ashes of 'we still won, bitches'

Laters journo! xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 12, 2013 6:45 am

Quote :

Dear Diary

Ben kind kind of a weird few days. I was summoned to a mission, where Boushi was made leader. I can respect him as a leader, surprisingly because he isn't a fool and values the completion of the mission without any cuteness. Though as reasons go "I visited there once" is pretty poor.

We spent three days aboard the airship. It wasn't ideal but since I was quiet I managed to get some alone time. As it was a long trip there was quite alot of it. I did quite a bit of reading, which helped to disguise the times I was not infact reading. Regardless the time passed quickly enough, and it was nice to spend a little time with Shi. I guess i'm not being fair to her, but I like her as a friend and if she really is all horny or wants a cuddle she ought to know I can definitely help!

I guess i'm just not looking to rush into a relationship with her. But hey, at least when I friendzone a girl I look after her! Anyway after we went to work looking for these chakra gems that the Karariou are using. Presumably in the construction of some sort of war winning weapon. Well I wish them luck. I just hope it's not too effective and the little psychopaths don't start trying to conquer the world.

After we arrived in Kumo's airship dock we headed south into the cliffs. Lightning is kind of an inhospitable place. I really enjoy Wind country now. The sun, the desert. It's kind of beautiful in it's browns and tans. Less stark than this place.
Anyway Boushi's map led us to disaster. I walked down a cliff for nothing. The little fools said it was a waste of Chakra. But the drain of the technique is easily recuperated anyway.

Regardless a little girl was hugging Boushi when I got up and he was -beetroot- I swear the little girl was all over him and he went on about how he was the most uber shinobi ever. I was honestly worried she was sent specifically to lure us to our doom by targeting Boushi-kun's hormones. But she led us to the right cave.

Masaru was really amusing during this part of the mission cos Boushi is his best friend or potential love interest and he was kinda jealous. Calling her names and things. I don't think he has anything to worry about really but who knows? Anyway once we went into the cave I started flirting with Masaru.

I mean it should be harmless, he's like 10? Kinda obvious all that's gonna happen is we say nice things and smile just a bit too brightly. Hah, Boushi was maaad. But it didn't matter because he focused it all into the mission. Those shadow dragons are nasty and did more physical damage than I expected.

Well, regardless we picked our way through the maze and I managed to inflict my first injury with a sword against a hostile and free moving opponent! It was just annoying that they seemed to suffer no ill effects from my clan poison! In any case the last monster was like.. 120 feet tall and faced us in a high cavern! The boy was stuck inside and the thing seemed able to harden itself to UNREAL levels. Masaru and Boushi's strong techs couldn't hurt it much.

They did hurt it when it was in Genjutsu but the thing tried to send my tech back at me.. and the kid was all "He's my friend stop attacking him".. stupid kid..

Then it swung its huge blade and combined with earlier injuries I woke up in Komo hospital. The kid is apparently still running around with and invincible war machine but at least we got access to the deposits and returned the minerals.
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 12:20 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 2:52 pm

Quote :

I'm starting to see less and less reasons to remain. Yokeui was right, about so many things. That we aren't given our rightful due. That we arn't respected. So many little things. This cute girl I was chatting to started calling 'Kaga' 'Sama' which is slightly more degrading than cleaning his dirty boots with her tongue.

I'm not thrilled with it, she has an excessive deference but it's sweet and Kaga was hanging out and being all 'Yeah you don't have to call me that cos i'm all noble blooded Hyuuga' so I pretty much just lost it. He obviously liked it or he'd have asked her to stop, so he was just doing the usual 'polite' thing that gets you all the benefit without seeming an asshole.

Anyway I got tired of their nonsense and when Kirito decided to start calling me a demon into the bargain I challenged him, though Kaga had finally 'understood' I was goading him and wanted to fight. I think i'd have preferred to fight Kirito as i've heard Kaga tends to maximize his single combat abilities for maximum penis size, as he's certainly nothing special in missions. Masaru is infinitely more desirable a team mate.

I think I upset meg though, she was all 'don't fight' but how can I back down from a challenge? We headed on over to the arena and he threw a smoke bomb and went off to masturbate to a picture of Arietta or something while I waited patiently.

Then I was of course rushed by him after whatever performance enchancing drugs or chakra focusing he'd been doing in the meanwhile, defending was pretty much impossible and he hit me.. then he started gloating about how he'd won, and while I struggled to stand I told him while he was faffing on about what a 'true shinobi' he was that if he wanted to win he had to kill me.

He called me pathetic and left, whereupon I collapsed. I'm still considering the best means of acquiring revenge. He all but gloated that the Shinobi way is to strike without warning with overwhelming advantage with any tool available and so i'm utterly spoiled for choice.

Still, is it even worth it? With the inequality and poor treatment for those not part of the nobility is it even worth giving up blood, sweat and tears to defend this status quo? Essentially the covenant's overt message that hegemony must be overthrown is starting to make more and more sense.

I still don't know what Yokeui's plans are, but I am thinking more and more about taking her offer to join her, I may not even be a very good Ninja but I know she will appreciate my company and I don't find her as frustrating as our unaccountable leaders.

Truthfully i'm half thinking I should open an inn or something. This life continues to grow less appealing by the day, there's still my plans with Zero to consider. The amazing resteraunt, cabaret and spa we planned?

We could still do that. An alternate source of income to risking our necks to prop up the power of the 1%.. I wonder if he'd go for it though? He kind of has his bread buttered on both sides as long as he's seeing Arietta.

Oh well, I can't worry about that, all I know is that something has to be done, and soon! I've failed to build a reputation for personal strength or influence and being an 'ok' Ninja isn't how I want to spend my life. I wonder if those derpy Ninjas we captured have been traded yet? Misery loves company they say..

Until later, Journal-Sama! /sarcasm!
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Apr 14, 2013 4:59 pm

Quote :

Dear Journal

Hmm, what can I say about yesterday? Not a huge amount really, for the most part I spent it, as is my wont making sure no-one can steal the palace, brick by brick. I saw a TV program about that, people that turned up when the owners were on holiday and took the whole thing.

What kind of neighbors let someone do that without even contacting the police? Kind of lax if you ask me!

Anyway I did visit the 'prisoner' I helped capture. We bonded a little, she seemed capable of walking up the walls even without the use of Chakra. I hope that adequate precautions are being taken to ensure she does not attain 'early release'

Regardless, she seemed to be trying to be ingratiating, yet politely insistent on her own moral stance, that she was jus a renegade trying to survive and that the villages were the 'true' villains. It would have been touching if I had a heart to feel it with. I'm growing more emotionally numb as time passes.

Nevertheless she was more pleasant than the pointy eared bitch and tried hard to be ingratiating. I wonder if she really does just want to be looked after? I suppose I could use a pet, especially if she henges so convincingly. Hah! Rawr! Down girl!

She decided she wanted to have a little nap, and I obliged. When I returned later to resume our tete a tete and found my least favorite Arashi guarding her. I might be unpleasant but he is easily the most weak-minded and judgmental piece of trash I have ever met.

Anyway he demanded I leave and I decided to play the tact that I was interested in buying her, which set him off to apoplexy land. Anyway I couldn't stay long because he started demanding I leave and making idiotic threats. I had to leave or I would have killed him on the spot, and it would have raised many awkward questions.

Regardless she was downright obsequious to him, and he was running around with his dick in his hands. By dick I mean sword, obviously. No-one but a Hyuuga could spot anything that small. He'll make a great prison guard or donut munching flat-foot I reckon.

The last I saw of them he was watching her take a pee in the girl's bathroom and taking an immature thrill in it. Even I was disgusted. He can't get a girlfriend so he abuses female prisoners. Hrrrm. Oh well, boys will be boys. I'll have to see if I can get another chance to give him a drubbing in the arena later on.

On the other side of things I spent some time with Megumi today. She's kind of hard to approach, as obsequious as the prisoner which is irritating as she bows low for other people too. Would I prefer it if it was only for me? Why yes I beleive I would. Does that make me a bad person?

Ah, who am I fooling? I would probably get a thrill in thinking that I was being bad, especially with a cute girl. There's something off about her too. She spends her time meditating, and then seems exhausted? It's a bit curious. Though to be perfectly honest unless she turns into some sort of lizard thing like the prisoner I doubt i'd be put off anyway.

She is simply too fascinating and i'd like to get to know her much better. I suppose when I total it all up I find her and Shiori the most interesting girls about. I hope they don't pair off together, that would suck! Or it might be exciting! xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 15, 2013 11:58 am

Quote :

Dear journal, today I decided to cast off some of the worries of being human for a while, I started by travelling into the desert and setting up a safe little camp site on a cliff, then I spent a while watching the local flora and fauna. Putting the fear of doom into the local animal and insect population that might try and attack or feast on my unconscious flesh.

One the scorpions and other poisonous crawlies were spreading the news to stay the fuck away, I reached out with my mind, trying to find something suitable. A crag cat proved an enjoyable first trip, it never saw me coming and before long I was hopping along the rocks, feasting on small prey animals. It was.. fun. Cat's truly are wonderful predators, their ability to track and kill their prey with a single pounce immensely thrilling!

It's something I might return to again, but I enjoyed something of a nap in the lions den, as it were. As warm and lazy as only a cat with a full stomach can be, before I awakened in my own body, the sun having moved nearly halfway across the sky and it being full afternoon I scanned the skies, searching for another majestic predator to become.

This time I had determined to become a bird of prey, in many ways the experience is of being a god among mere mortals. In the air as a nimble falcon nothing can challenge me and the experience of flying and soaring on the thermal currents is magnificent, so it was no surprise that I sought such a bird.

It was as wonderful as I remember! In the heat and light of midday my eyes were so sharp. I can't think that Byakugan could allow better vision as I darted after small rodents and large insects. Each time the stooping rapid dive a thrill better than any amusement ride could be, my beak and talons rent flesh and carapace. A true predator, the top of the food chain.

If only life could always be this simple. Predator and Prey, no moral dilemmas. No-one to demand standards of behavior. Maybe the blue-skinned girl is right. Maybe being free is more important than being rich or respected. Hawk's certainly think mice are delicious in a way that only an animal that needs to hunt it's own prey to live can.

As i'd already explored two of the desserts primary predator's I decided against my better judgement to try a different kind of badass, one of the massive desert hornets. The mind of an insect is tricky and i'm having to say that I don't remember much. I suppose I must have been driven by pheromones and stuff like that. Not something I intend to repeat!

Anyway i'm glad to be back safe and sound and i'll try to restrict myself to higher predators in future, being a wasp was just far, far out there!

So I had some of my jerky and some water.. then just because a bit of Sake.. and with no-one around for.. well however far I decided to just get a bit more secure in my own skin. I stripped off everything, gently rubbing lotion on each part of myself as I rested on a towel to keep the hot rock from burning me. A good way to take care of Bikini lines for sure! You probably want to know if I did anything else, and if you have to ask you don't know me very well, journal-chan!

Let's just say it was a very pleasant day I had when I slipped back into Sunagakure in the cooler air of evening! xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 16, 2013 4:53 am

Quote :

Dammit Journal! This is not how the day was supposed to go! First I was just.. chilling a bit on the benches before Meguimi showed up and then well.. she said if I was finding the sun too hot I should move into the shade. It was just a bit of smalltalk really.. but anyway I did that. Just to keep her happy, even though she left almost immediately after!

So when it got Dark I returned to the bench and promptly fell asleep, Mikoto was there and chatting away until he wanted to sparr. He seemed to want to probe and find out about my clan's techniques and I didn't much feel like obliging him! Anyone that wants to know how Yamanaka work so they can design better weapons can take a long jump off a high airship, in my opinion! There's only one clan you can counter more effectively by knowing how we work!

But anyway I made a bad decision by fighting, puppet nin are riddiculous. They can hide away safe from everything but an indirect saturation bombardment, which I can't do. Further confirming my suspicions that Ninjutsu or very good eyes are required on a team. It just makes sparring so stupid though, you can almost assume that in real combat SOMEONE will spot the enemy, or they will reveal themselves to do battle.

It has certainly been that way whenever I faced an actual opponent outside the sparring area, sole exception being Bizzaro-Suzune, who used it to interesting effect!

Anyway the more interesting thing is that when Megumi popped around later I kind of snapped when she said she was going to leave. Demanding to know if she thought I was boring, and who she was spying from and why her eyes kept straying below making eye contact! She denied everything but kept backing towards a wall.. and then things started to happen, I didn't really take no for an answer and I pressed against her and kissed her.. and she was so dazed after the second i'm sure I could have gone anywhere..

But alas, Zero showed up and kind of caused a distraction.. then a vulture arrived to try and speed my death. I mean a 'messenger hawk' so I bid fond farewells to my delicious 'CPR doll' and headed for the airships.

We were sent at best speed to engage the covenant air fleet to allow reinforcements to head into Suna, which should in theory it an exceptionally hard nut to crack when the covenants forces do make their way into Wind, which i'm led to believe they are doing!

In all honesty I felt like a chocolate teapot. Delicious and pleasant to have, but not good for anything. I tried to offer insights when I could but i'm not sure they were effective. Shuyin was so pissed that he wasn't in charge that he commented passive aggressively and pretended he was just offering offhand advice. Nuh uh, he was clearly desperate to have his 'imagined' genius praised and his suggestions put into action. So much so at first opportunity he headed off aboard another airship when it didn't seem on the cards.

At that point the enemy had lost two of their three ships and our allied vessels were in sore repair, sufficient mainly to carry their crews into another engagement where I suspect they may have had to resort to boarding.

Anyway that left us alone and then the crew tried to board us and Kaga the crazy bastard tried to blow us all out of the sky! It wiped out everyone besides their commander who taunted us and said he was taking us down with him. Meaning he was going to finish off our hull. Zero ordered us to abandon ship while he stayed behind.

Normally i'm not averse to letting other people die pointless deaths if it keeps ME safe but ZERO was one of my few friends.. Kaga and I made it back. But Shuyin and Zero are MIA, MIA only because the bodies weren't found. There is every chance they were vaporized with the amount of firepower and explosions going around.

Well, time to get back to Sake and wallowing in self pity Journal-Chan! xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 16, 2013 12:17 pm


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