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 Alessia Yamanaka

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Age : 36

Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 4:15 pm

Written in a far more child-like hand!

Quote :

Well fuck! Last mission was a disaster!

First Katriana gets picked to lead it so we have to endure her talking like a pirate the entire time and making the least experienced evil Genin her second, do he immediately tries to boss us around and kick me off the mission..

Then we finally get on the boat after stealthily crossing the terrain to reach the dock by.. crying to the captain about how we miss our mommy.. and then a we arrive in this little town where Katriana abandons us to solicit prostitutes again (That slut!) who turn out to be enemy fighters!

After getting us ambushed in the inn we end up outnumbered by Youkei and some.. weird dark skinned chick. No I don't mean she was tan or brown, her skin was it had been charred over an open flame. She wasn't very nice, took banter a bit too seriously.

She also shot arrows too quickly, I need a similarly pulsed defensive ability to counter that sort of move in the future. I nearly died!

Oh and worse than that, Youkei is in a terrible mood with me, she said she didn't care if I got killed because i'd ruined her missing nin cred by making her run away. What a whiner! Anyway I managed to survive and then things got even worse.

The circus man from hell showed up to claim our prisoners. I did the only thing I could do against such a powerful force. I tried to finish the prisoners off in the hope that we wouldn't lose them. Unfortunately nothing seemed to happen and then he turned us much younger.. Well Boushi is older now for some reason.

So anyway Katriana is weird now. Keeps telling me not to swear.. but she can't read this can she? Fucking frilly skirted little strumpet seems to hope she never has to grow up! Telling me how she's going to be the perfect child forever and be a shining example to all children everywhere!

Anyway i'm not going to stay a child. Missing a whole bunch of hormones is clearly messing with my personality even if Katriana says its 'my mind degenerating' she would say that. Only she can be perfect and resist everything!

I wonder what this means for Kaga.. or Me.. Hmph. I wonder if I should avoid her, i'm confident I can break this or it will wear off but I don't want Akiza to think it's kind of creepy that for a certain period of time I was like.. 10!

.. Even if that's stupid because everyone spends 17 years younger than 17! I don't know if I wanna risk it. I bet Kat will milk this to be super duper cute when adults are around, it's the kind of opportunistic harlot she is!

Laters Diary, stuff to do!
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2013 6:48 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2013 7:05 pm

Quote :
Finally home after brief captivity with interlude of starvation and and dehydration.

Results were essentially a push, I wasn't able to wring anything out of Youkei about covenant plans or her hiding place. I remember it being a grassy courtyard but being chained to the wall. Nothing more.

She wanted to interrogate me, but knowing nothing of any real strategic value it was an exercise in futility on her part. She did suggest that the 'Assclown' as I prefer to call him is a fellow free agent, rather than one of the Covenant Kage, though that could be a misdirection. That she'd think to deny it, when us being wrong doesn't really benefit them in any way suggests it might be true.

Of course with Yokuei the ego is the biggest part of her thought process, she'd prefer to think of the incredibly powerful covenant ally a an equal. But if he was the employer? No, it's not credible that she'd just outright lie like that.

As far as other matters go I think it might be beneficial to do a spot of recruiting. A club for misfits seemed frivolous a few days ago, but when there's Two Kaguya and Two Kurayomi with just each other in all the world the possibilities are quite fascinating. I'll see how they respond to reason.

So, back in Sunagakure, maybe i'll get a debrief and maybe not. I need to check in and see if Masaru made it out alright and if he knows anything about our mysterious stranger. Who knows what -his- motivations were, in the end I felt safer leaving with Yokeui, even if she did betray that small moment of trust to incapacitate and abduct me.

Of course I didn't specify how far i'd follow or for how long in order to gain a reprieve and a clear battleground, Yokuei rarely lies in such matters. To me at least and I forgot to look for what -wasn't- agreed.

So why did I go looking to begin with? I wanted to prove I could beat her, and could fight her. It turned out that I couldn't really. With Masaru there aswell it should have been an easy fight, but I was useless. She wrapped us both up in Genjutsu and the only blow really struck was a short Genjutsu allowing Masaru to hit her with a bone weapon.

We didn't fight well as a team, and I guess I should work on that with him, when I bump into him. Well assuming he hasn't gotten me bingo-booked with muddled facts I guess. Everyone seems pretty.. unknowledgeable about my safe return but that doesn't mean i'm not being stalked by ANBU.

I guess i'll stop here. I just wish she'd bloody come home. This passive aggressive thing is really getting to me, all because she didn't want to progress through the ninja ranks. Riddiculous!

Ah well.. Love and kisses.. xxxx!
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 11:58 pm

Quote :

Dear journal

Forming a breakfast club doesn't seem at easy as you'd think. Rin said it sounded like a treasonous plot to undermine the very fabric of our civilization and while denying outright that I hoped to get some sort of gain from being able to put talented people in contact with each other would be dishonest, it seems very strange to suggest that if people gather with the idea of helping the advancement of themselves and their peers that they are being seditious!

The poor Kurayomi have not seemed interested either, despite their oft-claimed fear that the Inka are planning to murder them in their beds. The only one that seems to see the benefit is Marasu and I think if I wasn't able to get anyone else it would be rather silly and he'd likely lose interest.

It's obvious that we're at a major disadvantage in Sunagakure with all the many noble families and heirs we have to put up with on a daily basis. Does it really matter how nice someone is when they reserve the right to have you put on trial for not properly kow-towing? Hmm, interesting question. Maybe the answer is in one of the political philosophy books i've been reading.

Anyway, I believe the term is referred to in ancient historical texts as 'Stockholm Syndrome', where someone having power of life and death (or lesser power in proportion) can become beloved by those below simply by failing to exercise that power when the opportunity arises.

This seems very warped, though I can understand the feelings behind it. People wish to believe that they serve their leaders from love, devotion and respect because seeing tyranny and restrictions imposed causes them misery.

I was sort of hoping to be able to sound people out and build at least some form of buffer against the exercise of such powers, in that our reciprocal services (which we could then selectively withhold) would allow us to claim that we had contributed in equal, or better quantity to the prosperity of our social betters and that not resorting to 'the state monopoly on violence' was mere self-interest.

It seems people are either ignorant, or scared and this is very bad for freedom in any way, shape or form. I'll have to be more sly in how I go about this, though it strongly irks me that I wasn't able to put this to interested parties directly, the reaction received makes this intention somewhat more vital.

I may not have completely noble goals (Hah!) but I would at least like the opportunity to prove that with a few resources I can do just as well by my fellow creatures as anyone born with those resources already prepared for their use. It's hard to gain power or influence when you're 'just a genin', Sister is seemingly winning this philosophical contest of ours..

.. Hell this does sound a bit revolutionary.. maybe i've found my calling.. xxxx!
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 20, 2013 9:39 pm

Quote :

Dear Diary, not much in the way of current events to detail here today. I spent most of the day sequestered in Sunagakure's large library peering through the various books on strategy and other needfuls of command and influence.

Treatise on deception and effective ruses all share common elements; they are the heart of almost all warfare and politics. Those who are for example the most conniving should seek to cover it with a mask of innocence.

It's something that has usually been intuitive to me, but pride has kept me from employing such maneuvers, and it might be too late. There's only one chance for a first impression after all. I wonder who has the correct measure of Akiza; some women would delight on having three or four balls in the air at a time and seek to prolong it for ego, or enjoyment of the control she has over the emotional state of her suitors.

For this reason i'm genuinely curious about the reaction Akiza would have to a death match; would it delight her? Frustrate her sense of control and leave her angered? Or is she really a soft, pretty thing that would be horrified beyond the surface?

I think i'd miss Kaga more, i've never really gotten along with Sensui, I just wonder who she loves? Make the bad reputation of the Uchiha excites her? I remember thinking the idea had it's appeal in how different it
was to my other plans, and yet at the same time so very similar?

I think I will press her about that noblewoman if she ever marries Sensui! Hah!

But this is a tangent, yes. People are unlikely to trust me unless I seem to undergo a change of outlook, and in order for this to occur and be believed it has to be link-able to something that is known to have occurred (Without a reason it is bound to come across as intentionally manipulative).

I suppose the ideal would be an overall increase in empathy, however much people frustrate me and get under my skin. Finding a romantic partner would be an apt reason for people to see a mellowing but as it requires an event I have been trying to cause for some time to occur I must think up another method.

Maybe discovering the 'true meaning of friendship' however tired a cliche it happens to be? Trouble is there's alot of well-meaning and basically decent folks around. Like Rin and Masaru and it'll be hard to stand out simply for positive qualities and doing little harm to others.

Maybe something will turn up that will yield respect and prestige without too much acting or other form of pretense. Without involving a huge degree of work? Wishful thinking perhaps but in lack of a clear strategy trusting to fate is left as an option, if not the best one.

Love and kisses! If vanity is wrong I don't want to be right! xxxx

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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 21, 2013 11:23 pm

Quote :

Well today was extremely uneventful. I almost couldn't find any of the other Genin in Sunagakure, just Kemuri and so we ended up hanging out, talking about very little. Mainly about what the point was in 'bothering' a woman that obviously wanted children with my attentions.

I tried to explain that it's not correct in all cases to equate reasons for such relationships with reproduction. Romantic and Sexual relationships can be separate from Reproductive ones. For example a woman could love a man very much, but due to impotence they would be an inferior sexual partner and unable to reproduce.

Or they could be the carrier of terrible heritable conditions, leaving them soley excluded from the Reproductive relationships, and in fact there's no particular reason why a woman shouldn't have a different person of suitable attributes to fill each of these niches. As many men do.

For example: A wife and a mistress is common and usually the former is for reproduction and the latter for sex. Romantic affections could be for any, or both. Or the romantic need may be filled or deferred towards another person, or an idealized fantasy.

I'm not sure he agreed, and i've written it here more in depth than the actual conversation ever went into. But I know what I meant! On the other hand reproduction seems to be of vital importance to Kemuri, despite his insistence that he had no immediate interest; It turns out that his clan was decimated and so he and Zero are the last or among the last of them.

He seemed less than thrilled about the possibility of Zero's children being Inka. I pointed out to him that to become truly Inka requires a mark administered to teenagers and that if he was shrewd or amassed sufficient influence he could prevent them being marked on the grounds of their 'also' being among the last few dozen of his clan. (By raising the question of whether it would be right to exterminate around 50% of his existent clan descendants for an Inka ritual. It borders on human sacrifice even among themselves!)

He seemed content to leave it in Zero's hands. Why does no-one ever seek to take control of their own destiny in this city? They seem utterly lukewarm about virtually everything! He doesn't seem to care that he would be half the adults in his clan by this point, and arguably it's elder, or the influence he would likely have on his brother anyway.. or the possibility that his brother may not live to see his children marked.

Or that the relationship might have deteriorated.. There are almost infinite variables and ways to prepare to exploit any of them. Nonetheless I have yet to find anyone that wants to work towards such advancement in this blasted village. It's growing frustrating!

Comforting hug! xxxx
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 4:56 am

Quote :
So, the Hojo might be on his last legs. Apparently he was very badly burned in a fight with an Uchiha he claims to have won but it looks as though it was more like a draw, since he's pretty beat up and it looks like the doctor's can't really do anything for him. He says he's using his clan techniques to get better but I have my doubts. He's been in quite a while with no improvement.

He even refused my generous offer to supply him with placebos to boost his chances of survival. Reliable medical research suggests that if you give someone a tic tac and tell them it's medicine it usually has at least some positive side effects, even where no effective treatment for the condition exists!

Well, I suppose he can suit himself. I might need to find a pair of glasses without a prescription component to borrow, a fairly short conversation with a patient left me with a near migraine, and i'm not sure I look like a doctor or nurse. I've left the rooms with money stuffed inside my top after examinations. How I missed it I don't know but clearly someone has funny ideas about the right way to treat medical professionals!

Speaking of which I got to practice the Oxygen Transfer on Shi, I know it's dangerous and irresponsible but give Med Ninja the excuse to kiss basically anyone they want as 'training' and I don't know of anyone that's actually elected to use the dummy. Shi was a good subject and it only took four attempts to be comfortable with the technique.

As regards other matters it has again been quite the uneventful day. I'm kind of hoping to find Masaru and see how he feels about the breakfast club. Shi sort of 'informally' agreed she liked spending time with me so that's three at least. Maybe we can rope Rin and Boushi in with bloodline connections?

I hope we can, it's nice to see our arm.. CLUB growing. I thought more about the kind of appointments that could come in wartime. If we occupy any of the Covenant villages or the Independant villages it's likely that we'll install a new Kage, or commander of occupying forces with essentially the same weight.

This seems like an excellent opportunity to advance oneself to the rank of Kage without necessarily competing with every ambitious thug in the three villages. The lack of comparative power could be remedied over time with alliances and confederation with the others.

I wonder if it's possible to instill a spirit of conquest into my flower growing people? I'd love to find out.. mm.. new perfume! You smell great! xxxx!
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 11:00 pm

Excellent Job on all of them! getting back up to speed!

EDIT: Paid!
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 3:45 pm

Quote :

Dear Diary

The last few days have been quite eventful. I watched a spar between Kaga and Masaru the White Beast of Sunagakure they basically ended in a draw. When I consider that in some ways the Hyuuga techniques exploit weak points to attack Chakra directly I don't think other Taijutsuists could really challenge Masaru.

He's really strong, but at the same time when he ended up in combat with Katriana she was able to wreck him with Genjutsu, I need a way to protect him from Genjutsu so that he isn't so vulnerable. It's my duty, both as a medical ninja and a friend.

That said Katriana has no concept of what a spar is and went crazy with B-rank techniques and explosives. I bet if -anyone- had seriously injured her she'd have wailed that she was only a little girl. Well i've seen no evidence of any loss of faculties and so my professional medical diagnosis is.. Neoteny.

Simply put, life is better for her as a 7 year old because of the various indulgences along with none of the drawbacks of actually being seven. As a younger sister I know what it's like being just a bit younger and Yokuei being expected to take responsibility for everything. It's no wonder she went mad for power!

Anyway Boushi ended up being blown sky high and Masaru is really upset. I think Boushi likes Masaru, actually I think they make a really cute couple. A bit young though. He's really mad at Seero but I think that just illustrates how much power Katriana gains by pretending to be a child. Seero a big rude man is easier to focus on as an enemy.

When Boushi got out we started our first breakfast meeting. Milkshakes were had by all.. unfortunately Boushi had to leave on sudden business which left us with a gap. We elected to attempt a panty raid on the lovely Hokage but were prevented from absconding with her smalls by the presence of ANBU in the corridors. Masaru's nerve broke and we didn't even get to default to plan B of making a legitimate appointment via underhanded means.

Masaru is the best friend a girl could have, he's usually gentlemanly when he isn't throwing shurikens at perceived insults and is a force for coolness in most confrontations. I just wish her were closer to Kaga's age, hanging around with a bunch of ten year olds, even if they were of equal rank doesn't help my street cred much. At least he isn't bothered by my tastes, even if he doesn't understand them.

After a my expedition to the wind temples I feel as though gaining greater control over my chakra will have benefits, although diversifying into proper matrial arts will also benefit me considerably. I might ask Masaru or maybe even Hiyo to spar with me in basic Taijutsu.

Where is Hiyo actually? Havn't seen her or Shirumi in days..

Oh well.. Time to get my head down and start training. I really liked practicing my medical techniques in the last few days and think it should be a greater focus for me in the future. In terms of role protecting my team with mental attacks and healing them when that isn't possible and also strengthening my skills in evasion ought to make me the perfect medical Ninja!

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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 23, 2013 7:36 pm


EDIT: Paid!
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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 4:24 am

Quote :

Dear Diary

Today was kind of.. nice! I met this exotic and a little strange girl who seemed really innocent and nice. I really really hate that I can't quite recall her name, but she had fiery red hair and the oddest yellow eyes. A little frightening but at the same time quite beautiful and pleasant.

I'm not quite sure how to attract her, I think given her being so.. curiously vacuous that I should try to establish friendship with her, and then see if she is interested in anything more. I don't even know if she's into girls. Though considering just how naive she is I almost suspect her interactions with others will play a role in shaping her orientation.

More about her, she uses water Jutsu and seems to have no awareness of current events, which is very odd but even if she's a little mixed up she's nice and cheery and doesn't seem to be an attention-whore so I can say with confidence I look forward to meeting her again, whatever happens!

The other thing that happened was Kemuri got drunk off his ass with Sake, went around mouthing off to everyone about everything they ever did and got himself thrown out of the Inka compound. He was talking about 'needing to leave' before the Inka sacrificed him to their blood gods. Which is not altogether impossible.

I wonder what's behind the purple glowing portal in the Inka dining room? It seems a bit fancy to just be there for decoration. Kemuri dared me to jump through but wouldn't do it himself, which was kind of cowardly. Kitseu kicked him in the balls, but it didn't seem to hurt him.

Arietta is still saying she needs Masaru to grow up. I'm not sure how serious she is, she spoke to me today a little while about the war and such, which was nice. She didn't share much of her own opinions so I cant' be sure of the impression I made.

Anyway there was also the training of some Genjutsu and the consumption of a little icecream alongside it.. and I -almost forgot to mention- .. I kind of had some mutual self touching with Akiza-chan. Well she sort of implied she had enjoyed herself before I went into the shower without her but it sort of counts if one of us got pleasure from the fact we both did it, right?

Mmm.. i'm so dirty and I don't regret it.. I'm starting to wonder what i'll have to do when I get in a serious relationship or married to some lovely young woman. Three hours in bed a day I think. Two if we can can't make lunch.

.. That seems far too much and far too little at the same time. Oh well we'll figure it out! Maybe we'll be all romantic and be content to kiss and snuggle and think about each other all the time? Mmm.. I look nice in this dress... xxx!

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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 12:01 pm


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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2013 3:22 am

Quote :

So today I practiced kissing with Jyuubei! Well.. the Oxygen transfer Jutsu! Which is much the same thing. I'm a bit worried she enjoyed it more with Masaru. I mean he's a boy and she might be straight as a ruler.. But he's still 10 and i'm.. well.. the height of womanly appeal? It's a bit peculiar.

Maybe there's something to being Chibi.. It seems to get Kat everything she points at if she pouts or turns on the waterworks and Masaru seems to enjoy great esteem and attention from some. Like Arietta! She always glomps him and asks when he's of age so they can share a bed. It's a bit forward! Oh well..

Jyuubei is very pretty and sweet, but she's a bit.. inexperienced. I'm sort of in a weird state where I kind of want to try and take advantage.. but I don't want to.. while at the same time I feel like I should because someone's going to at some point and I know I have reasonably nice intentions! But the other part of me knows that its easy to push someone away if you're too forward.. or lose them if they think you're just wanting to be friends and they get an offer!

Kind of like Kaga and Akiza. I don't know how I feel about Akiza.. she's definitely sexy and fun to be around! Today when I found her she was moving into the Kariou Compound so I followed her behind someone else, who turned out to be a bit of a jerk. In my opinion it's fine to say things to the Inka Princess when she's in shouting distance of all her guards but not poor defenseless Akiza!

She ended up in a spar with him where he beat her down and she needed some sexual healing professional medical treatment from a trained medical ninja. Kaga tried to force pills down her, so I suppose that might have helped. Lucky I was there incase she choked though.

Before that things went kind of.. well. I got to say some really flirty and outrageous things and she seemed to like them. I guess they probably won't happen, but it's nice to get some dirty on the spot fantasies off my chest and into her head. Maybe she'll get a sudden urge and show up in my bedroom with 20 feet of silken rope. I'm honestly not bothered where it goes from there!

So she thinks she's a nympho? I wish she'd spread some of that my way. Mm.. spread? Those luscious long supple legs.. so naughty! Really the way she moves and fights I kind of want to spar with her just so she can beat me down and disable me with those pinpoint jabs in no time. It's art.. pure and simple!

.. I guess I should try to decide who I fancy. But it's hard. It's like choosing between chocolate and a delicious seared steak. They just aren't equivalent! Dammit.. Well.. I guess I should probably think about my heart. Really it's possible neither of them really have the hots for me.. oh well! xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2013 12:56 pm

Excellent Job!

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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 3:16 am

The Handwriting is slightly worse than usual

Quote :

Sup Diary-chan!

Anyway today I got not one.. but -two- free bottles of sake from my new business partner Zero! Yeah he's pretty chill and he gives free Sake so he's ok by me!

Kaga was a bit of a prude he told me it was immoral to drink because it renders me diminished as a in my skills as a Ninja! He says that when he spends all his time trying to put little Kagas inside Akiza's voluptuous sexy body! INCONCEIVABLE!!

No-one ever says to Arietta "Hey Arietta-hime, you're like.. 15, stop trying to get yourself preggers it's immoral to impair yourself!" oh no because that wouldn't affect her abilities as a Shinobi any! If the Hokage is any indication any Kunoichi that goes down that route is setting themselves up for serious crippling psych trauma down the road!

Or what about Kat-chan? At the rate she's allowing herself to slide backwards she'll be a pair of Gametes by the end of the month.

Speaking of gametes Arietta's crushes follow an easy to recognize pattern when you think about it. I dunno if Kitesu has a Kekkei Genki but all the men she's been seen with have their own bloodline. I mean I dunno why she's supposedly still a virgin but his royal highness the "Prince of Sharingan", Captain Emonidas aka: "Mr Bykugan" (I don't think Kaga would stray like that though..), Masaru the "Bone King" and one of the last Hateshinai.. It doesn't look good for the "I love you for more than your genetic gifts" angle.

Now some would say i'm rude and cynical, to those people I would say "Fuck off and stop reading other peoples diaries!"

Anyway back to zero and me's scheme! The plan is so simple it can't fail. First we find out where the covenant are moving their food and liquor.. then we hit it and Zero uses his powers to absorb all the stuff we want. Then we start a patriotic restaurant and cabaret where all the food is snatched from the mouths of the starving enemy. We could have stand up comedy.. rooms.. a hot spring. Try to tick as many boxes as we can!

We need backing but Zero reckons our best hope is Suzune who is a really wonderful cook who enjoys cooking and might join in with us!

See the scheme is to do market research and have Zeero absorb authentic delicacies prepared in the authentic style in their designated area of origin. So basically you want Konoha Ramen? Freshly made by the man himself! (We can hopefully get a bulk discount..)

The key thing as I see it is to know what's niche and we only need a few of, and what's going to sell out every night. I think the appeal of literal instant food and drinks that are delivered by -thinking hard- about what you want could be quite a novelty!

But yeah. We need a look at this new 'Fortress' we're moving four villages too (Earth Country seems to be with us now). If we can be the first bar or restaurant set up there we pretty much have it made!

We don't have much money but i've been mission whoring and real estate in a (temporary?) fortress that was grown overnight by ninjutsu has gotta be cheap! Staying with the Inka i've hardly spent anything except on clothes, so I have quite alot for one person.

Oh well, your hostess with the mostest needs her beauty nap! xxxx!
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 26, 2013 1:10 pm


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Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 8:37 am

Quote :

Dear Diary

Today a few things happened but the most important thing was the mission i've just returned from! Satsu,e and Suzune were leading thier own little gang of ninja raiders while under the effects of the Ringleader's Kunai. Apparently they each spent 20 years in pain and suffering and bordem before they were 'broken' into this job!

Anyway we had to find them, not knowing who they were. It seems as though Suzune and Satsume are an item now.. I guess 20 years with no-one else will do that to you.. I guess ! There were four other Ninja with them. One of them was a Jounin but we fought all the Genin (including Suzune and Satsume) ourselves. Sometimes Genjutsu just works perfectly and Masaru basically cutting Satsume out of the fight in a few minutes didn't hurt either. Those bone shurikens of his do alot of damage!

At least he had the decency to kiss him better afterwards! Pretty weird that but I guess he is a Med Ninja too, even though it's hard to think of him that way when he's so tough and in the enemies face!

The rest of the team.. We had the Kurayomi guy, he used a zombie and he honestly seemed a bit out of his depth, maybe he's still finding his feet as a leader. Kaga and his ever useful Bakaygun was there, and he punched people. No surprises there

The damn sword guy was there too. Chewing on a stalk of wheat and being an asshole. I miss Shurumi. This new guy Shuyin is like his evil discourteous anti-self

Anyway we left with 7 Ninjas and ended up with 13. If all missions went that smoothly our army would be huuuge! One of them Suzune tried to boot off the bridge wheny they were down and I honestly don't know why.. I tried to defend her but it was too late and shen she started falling I used a grapple to anchor myself and jumped off.. tying the rope as I fell and grabbed her.. then pulled her up to the bridge. I need to train myself out of suicidal reactions like that.

I guess I get possesive of my patients and people I try to protect. It seems like she's a Hojo and even if she was on the opposing team she helped us win because the enemy Hyuuga couldn't activate his eyes and then he was easy meat for a Genjutsu.

I think Masaru was a bit taken with the Kaguya woman we rescued, maybe they can get over the age difference and start repopulating thier clan in a few years?

The other thing that happened is.. i'm not clear on the details but Mikoto took some kind of advantage of Zero.. gave him horny pills and then (by whatever means) made him cum all over the room.. and him.. and the children saw..

The only saving grace (for Zero) is that Arietta still seems to be interested in him. Well good for him if he's happy. He's a good man and all that. I might need to keep an eye on Mikoto. He's turning into quite the pervert and it might be crossing the line into abuse if he isn't watched!

Oh well, at least I have a good mission under my belt, and Satsume and Suzune seem grateful for the help.
Future looking up xxxx!

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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 27, 2013 1:53 pm


EDIT: Paid!
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 28, 2013 2:27 pm

Quote :

So today was a pretty quiet day. I did some training and spent some time with Zero in the forest training area, we both succeeded in learning a new Jutsu. Chakra Virus in my case, which allows me to act a bit like a Hyuuga, hurting peoples Chakra by striking them, although this is more like a poison than a precise strike.

I wonder if the virus could be improved? Delivered by a Kunai instead? Quite possible and something to think about! I'm not really sure what Seero is planning, but he seems quite happy with the idea of trying to 'ahem' better ourselves through hard work and dedication, which is more than most people will admit to.

Of course Seero isn't the nicest or most trustworthy of people and i'd do well to remember that before I let myself get backed into any corners or incriminated.

Suzune and Satsume showed up in the forest and.. spoke to Zeero a bit. I hope the two of them appreciate just how much advantage 20 years of extra life is. If they don't now they probably will if they live long enough to die of old age.

They arn't saying much about what happened but apparently they felt the need to check if they still had souls, which is pretty sinister I have to say. Regardless he's flying about now and seemed to get the idea that he could hide from Baykugan. Silly man.

Then another of the dreaded 'bomb tag' spars where everyone uses their explosives, i tried to point out that they're intended to be used on missions and not in friendly training matches, especially when there might be a supply issue during wartime.

Afterwards we all 'found' our way to the oasis and Zero put on a little buffet for us, but most people there were 'too cool' to admit they ate or drank. I spent some time in the water for Akiza to come back but it seems like she didn't. I should paddle that strumpets rear end raw. She doesn't have a bodyguard anymore!

I spent some time with Jyuubei this morning, practicing a useful Jutsu that allows the target to be rendered unconscious, useful either for the Hyuuga who have defenses against Genjutsu or for putting someone in pain into a more restful state, without the stigma of relying on Genjutsu, which has a bad reputation.

It was nice getting to catch and hold her when she dropped from the technique. She was so sweet and innocent and trusting that I couldn't help myself planting a small kiss on her forehead the very last time. I quite like her, I just worry that she might lose her sweetness with time.

Anyway, the only other thing I know is that Zero and Masaru were dragged off for a mission, leaving me and Seero twiddling our thumbs. Way to break up team awesome!

Gonna have to have a happy shower to make up for this.. xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 29, 2013 12:20 pm


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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 29, 2013 2:13 pm

Quote :

Dear diary

Some horrible shady stuff happened yesterday that I wasn't a part of. After the other two went on a mission and i'd had my restful little shower and a change of clothes.. and a bit of Sake too.. I don't know why everyone insists on calling me a drunk! I drink very little compared to anyone that's a real drunk. Usually when it's slow or to unwind after a mission!

Honestly the way people go on about it you'd think that I was like Zero, wandering around with bottles and bottles of Sake to drink on a whim. I have a small hipflask that needs refilling between small drinking sessions and so what if I make a point of filling it up whenever it gets low?

Oh well, i'm perfectly capable. At least no-one has tried to stop me performing surgery when i've had a few sips of Sake yet. I'm very good at this, I know I am! It's just I occasionally slur a word or two and then it's all about what a drunk I am and that I have a drink problem.

So anyway, apparently Zero and Masaru went to meet this guy in covenant territory and he gave them Ruby Kunai. Seriously.. I mean -what the hell Masaru-? -What the hell Zero-? The two of you should have known better. All the missions we've been on where the Kunai are objects used to control Alliance Ninja into acts of treason!

Anyway Boushi, Kaga and Kiri and the Arashi boy were chosen, which is funny because that's 3 for 4 the team that left Suzune and Satsume trapped for 20 years, an excellent choice for a rescue I suppose.

Anyway the upshot is that they failed to get our Ninja back and Zero, Masaru and possibly others are still in covenant hands. With what i've been researching about the Kunai this is -very bad- news. I think with a long enough exposure and enough 'twisting' they will become what the Kunai is currently capable of forcing them to be.

Willful servitude seems to be a goal of the Kunai, it whispers power.. dreams into the heads of those that see them. The temptation to take one up was considerable, and I never got to put my will to the test before Satsume kicked them all into the chasm.

The real test will be whether the Kunai offers things it can reasonably give, or simply whatever you most want. I have my doubts that a dagger could really grant my wishes!

Not when those wishes tend to be.. I suppose a Kage with a nice selection of beautiful lovers. I think I could achieve that for myself, but I fail to see how a knife would be able to grant it! Anyway i'm bit bothered now after thinking about having a harem. Things to do!

Oh but I did write to the Kages! Anyway, later sexy! xxxx
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 4:02 pm

Quote :

Dear Journal

These past few days have been the worst in my life! First most of my friends are corrupted in some unusual manner and THEN more of my friends are injured trying to recover them. Apparently a Jounin died!

Anyway flash forward to Boushi being a self-centered little cretin, he leaves the village on an expedition and like.. everyone agrees to put their ass on the line to save -his- friend? Everyone liked Masaru. Boushi doesn't OWN him.

But I digress. After we caught up by Airship we took a ship to the Land of Spring to make a co-ordinated attack on the missing Ninjas. Unfortunately whatever those Kunai do it put them on a whole other level. We lost every fight and Boushi and I were taken. Although I think my being taken alive was coincidence.

I woke up, pain everywhere and Sensui starts talking about how he can make my life better and he can bring my sister and we can be a family and gain everything we ever wanted. I couldn't figure out why he'd go to the bother when all he has to do is give me a knife.

He denies any affiliation to the Ringleader and claims he is the master of the daggers, or at least these daggers and that would mean effectively they're just a group of missing ninjas working together. Not sure if that's believable. He says he's doing this for Akiza?

Anyway I woke up again, slowly healing from the injuries and found Zero watching me.. and Sensui.. and Zero was all creepy. He called himself Angelus and said that Zero was gone. He kissed me.. I think and then they took me into the room with Boushi.

I didn't see much, I pretended to be asleep. The last thing I want is that necromatic-tard calling me a traitor because I know when i'm in no condition to resist. Then the worst thing possible happened.. They decided to return me. Judging me an unworthy prize and sending me home.

I could forgive torture. I could have forgiven them if they'd.. done other things.. But for considering me inferior and worthless there can only be vengeance. I will have my reckoning for this. They must be crushed, beaten down and broken. Only then will I be able to erase this stain they have placed upon me.

I.. reached the Western Wind temple a few hours ago. I'm catching up with the Priestess there, she remembers me and helped me choose some new clothes. It's helping me focus a little. What would she think if she'd known what i'd done in escaping from the crew of brigands that agreed to bind me during the voyage to steel?

Lucky for those.. filthy clowns they didn't send their message with me. I swear i'd have burned it! My work with healing has gone fairly well, and I now look no different to when I left. I'll spend a little longer with this luscious redhead, even if all she says and does is from pity before I return to Sunagakure in my shame.

I can already taste the sweet tang of revenge on the tip of my tongue.. xxxx

Annotation: The land of spring is beautiful. One day it will be mine..
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 5:40 pm


EDIT: Paid!
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 5:12 am

A copy of this journal page with references to 'diary' expunged is also sent as a mission report

Quote :

Dear Diary

Today I will provide details of my successful mission to recover supplies of metal ingots required for the war effort. I was summoned from the bench outside the Palace by a bird sent from that very building to the Arashi who then sent a hawk to the Palace to reach me in a 'stunning' display of efficiency and good time-management.

Reporting in I found myself seemingly the first to arrive, and had to await the rest of my team and briefing from a Chuunin of the Leaf Village. Eventually three more arrived and I was placed in-charge of the mission, I decided to place Shuyin as second in charge as he seems a competent fighter and perfectly capable of causing as much trouble from the ranks as in that role, if he really wanted to mess things up.

The rest of the squad consisted of a very useless individual named Gin and Kirito the Arashi, a competant if inexperienced young Ninja with a propensity for unnaturally dramatic failures. In his terminology; A klutz

I ordered the team to assemble at the gates and we headed out into Wind Country, making good time through friendly territory however next time I will rest at the Western Wind Temple, as we began to require rest a little ways into covenant territory. My assessment of who was used to hard travelling proved right and Kirito and Gin flagged first.

While attempting to set up a rest stop in the forests of fire country we were almost set on by a covenant patrol when Gin snapped a twig as they passed us, however I was able to send them off thinking that nothing was the matter, and thus buy us time before they discovered where we were. Shuyin reappeared from scouting at this point and went off to an inn, leaving us to follow.

What happened next was not the high point of the operation. When I returned to the main floor of the inn to take second watch, the innkeeper had chosen to side with the covenant and taken up a gun to threaten us as a covenant patrol was being sent to capture us. I ordered Shuyin to terminate him, but he did not obey this order, nor did any member of my team obey the order to set bomb tags for the patrol.

Since they were so touchy, the opportunity to strike a blow was lost and we crossed the border as quickly as we could, eventually reaching the coastal dock, where an opportunity to rest followed on the boat ride.

From our destination we again set sail with Captain Mina, and were able to form an efficent method of collecting the lost cargo. Kirito worked hard here and Shuyin was of assistance in helping to raise the deep bars via a pulley system.

However the Kumo Ninja named Gin was of no help and spent the entire time vomiting and feeling sorry for himself. This put us in danger when after recovering the full cargo and preparing to depart the mists began to swirl around our vessel, and the 'sea monster' revealed itself to be a large composite vessel crewed by zombies and a pirate who appeared to be Kurayomi.

Badly outmatched we could only hold as best we could and trust to Kirito to be our Windfinder. In a tense and difficult battle Shuyin and I were able to stall the enemy long enough to depart, however Gin never got over his difficulties with water and was of no help.

Afterwards we arrived back in steel with the shipment, which will be delivered to Suna, presumably via airship from Kumo. The team elected to consider the mission accomplished at this point and returned home separately which had merits of greater stealth and speed as we were not limited to the speed of our slowest team-mate.

All in all for a first command it went well enough, though I regret over-exerting myself, it was to complete the mission before me, and the Kurayomi can only be considered a target of opportunity. Tactical recommendation is that the next group include more Ninjutsuists capable of disabling his ship and conducting bombardment at range, in order that even if escape is required his ship should be severely damaged.
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PostSubject: Re: Alessia Yamanaka   Alessia Yamanaka - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 01, 2013 6:30 am

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