Boushi had finally managed to reign in his destructive side that had been plagueing him since his imprisonment in purgatory. With this new found self-control, he was able to focus on his training and eventually managed to join the intelligence divison of the allied forces, using his connection to the dead as a means to gain information and pass it along. Perfecting his own branch of Kurayomi techniques, he rose in skill and prominence till he was requested by clan members to teach them his techniques. However, he refused to teach any Kurayomi that could not accept the Inka as allies, having taken it upon himself and his relationship with the Inka's to try to establish a working relationship.
His work as an ambassador between the two clans served him well, allowing him to gather information from both sides to put to use as he could in protecting the village. He often faced hardships in not being taken seriously by a lot of those he met, being only a child who's age should place him in the academy still. However, he met all these such challenges head on and has garnered the respect of many higher ups in the villages by not wavering and showing immense skill for one so young. The best example of this is when on a mission, his squad was eliminated by the enemy leaving him to fend for himself.
"Go home pip-squeek, your outclassed. Can't you see your allies are dead, I don't want to kill a child but I will if you make me." Those words, meant to intimidate and frighten Boushi had the opposite effect. He didn't back down, and kept fighting. No matter how hurt he got he pressed on, taking one enemy down at a time and always rising back up when he was knocked down. While he wont take credit for it, always claiming that his allies did most of the work before they fell, the village of Sunagakure has acknowledged his heroics and rewarded him with a promotion, though there were many detractors inside the village. "He's to young" Some said. "He can't be trusted, he's a Kurayomi" others argued. And he bore the brunt of there mistrust stoically, simply wishing to do his best by Suna so as to Honor his friend Masaru and what Masaru had wanted to do.