Once the actual server comes up, slots will likely end up being free (except 300 token upgrade). (There is a system already made that enables players to rank up on their own or earning up to 5.75 rp tokens daily) It is a persistant system that will no longer need DMs to pre-set your character in lvl, race, and a ryo (gp) system incorporated as well. This is all talk for now until I can have the opportunity to show what exactly I have been working on prior to this bump in the road, but I am very excited to introduce something I have been insinuating for the past 10+ years and it is only unfortunate the greater community that was - no longer is around. But we hope that in time they will be won over again =)
This all is to ensure the playerbase need not wait for a DM to be active, nor the newbies be intimidated by the abilities people invested in slots.