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 ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~

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Dm Nagato

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Join date : 2013-02-16
Age : 31

~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Empty
PostSubject: ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~   ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 8:32 am

Dear diary,

Today I finally met some people. I think they were all Konoha and Suna nin, I'm not sure though! Anyway! I was walking around Suna..trying to find my way around this huge city. When this girl threw a rock at me! Luckily she didn't throw hard, nor was she really good at aiming! Anyway she caught me attention that's for sure! Turns out that this girl's a Yamanaka. She led me around Sunagakure showing some interesting places. We talked a lot! I felt relieved that I finally found someone who wanted to talk to me, someone who wasn't too busy trying to arrange things for whatever. I mean I understand that people are busy trying to survive and all in an unknown city, but like we shouldn't forget that we are all still one big family. Yamanaka-sama said that she was staying with a clan called the Inka. (sounds like they are a big and important clan here in Suna) They sound really scary! Cultists! She said that if the Inka don't like you, you'll die and they'll use your soul in dark rituals! ( So better try to either avoid them or make sure that they like me)

After that I had to go back to the armoury where I'm staying with dad and other refugees. Dad wasn't really happy with me, in fact he was quite angry. He said that he ''wasn't angry but just worried.'' I try to understand it's a new environment and all but I can look after myself! And all the people in Sunagakure are really nice and are trying their best to help us all out, I don't want to be rude and not use that hospitality. I explained it to him and after a while he agreed. However I'm not allowed to go beyond the walls of Sunagakure. I understand but it still makes me sad.( I think Wind Country is beautiful especially during the night! Stars everywhere!) We then ate some lunch with the other refugees! It wasn't a big lunch nor was it really done happily...everyone was rather silent. So I quickly ran off, continuing my exploration of the city hidden in the desert.

I ended up meeting Yamanaka-sama again. We went for a stroll Sunagakure. After a while we went to a popular hang out spot. It's right in front of the Kazekage's palace! Location seemed weird to me, but well..different customs I think. Met a ton of new people! Kirito-san ( Cool guy, seems really wise, trying to keep everyone together I like that), Kagayite Hyuuga-sama (he's a bodyguard! A really important job!) and two younger people Masaru-san and Boushi-kun. They were in a fight, I don't really understand why..Boy stuff I think. While they were arguing Kaga-sama and Yamanaka-sama started badmouthing each other as well! How can friends act so mean to each other!? Everyone seems to be distrusting Yamanaka-sama, I wonder what she has done to earn such a bad reputation. The situation really escalated ending up with Kaga-sama and Yamanaka-sama going to the arean to fight. I hope that they are both okay. They seem really good people! I think that everyone's just on edge because they miss home. Masaru went to watch soon after that, leaving Boushi-kun really sad (Awww). Kirito and I tried helping Boushi to mend things with Masaru. Then this guy showed up. Kirito seemed to know him. He gave some advice as well.

At that point I really had to head back ''home''. I hope Masaru and Boushi are good friends again. I hope that we all will get along.



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~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~   ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Icon_minitimeSat Apr 13, 2013 12:22 pm


EDIT: Paid!
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Dm Nagato

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Join date : 2013-02-16
Age : 31

~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~   ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 15, 2013 9:26 am

Dear diary,

I'm really sure where to start this time. So...I'll just start. The last few days where rather awkward really. I failed so many times! still went OK, I think. I've finally managed to map the highlights of Sunagakure. So I should be be able to find everything now. I went to get an ice cream with Yamanaka-sama at the restaurant.. Best-ice cream-ever! I wonder how they can make such delicious ice cream in a desert! Fridges and freezes are cool and all, but it is still an amazing feat. After the ice cream I went off to the monk's shrine. It's a small garden of peace in the middle of Suna and perfect for my meditation. I closed my mind and centred myself. As usual my mind drifted off to a place for from where I was meditating.

I remember entering a large room. It was really dark in there I could barely see anything. Luckily the room was slightly lit by torches hanging at the walls. With help of the light I was able to make out some kind of container in the middle of the room. I slowly walk towards it to see what it is inside. My hands are shaking, so I gently rest them on the container. I peek down into it, only to see that there's nothing in it.. I don't mean that it's's just..nothing.

I opened my eyes, only to find myself back in Sunagakure. I stood up going for a stroll, ended up walking into Kirito Arashi! He showed me around the place in Suna where are all clans have their compounds. We briefly saw Hyuuga-sama. But he was in a hurry for his 40-minute training session. Kirito and I ended up in his family's compound. SO many birds! Very Cool! Though to be honest I was a bit intimidated by them. Kirito crawled up the Tori gates in his compound he extended his hand to help me.. But I wanted to be cool and do it alone. Normally I'm quite good in climbing and acrobatics! But of course this time I wasn't! I slipped and almost fell off but luckily he caught me.. Really awkward. I then looked around, it was an amazing view over the Arashi compound and canyon... I shouldn't have looked down though, the deep darkness of the canyon made my feet wobbly. We quickly went down again. I was then given a tour through the rest of the compound. I forgot that I had to go meet dad.. So I had to go quickly.. Kirito walked me out, was a really awkward ''bye''. But I'll see him around! He's a really nice guy!


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Dm Nagato

Posts : 89
Join date : 2013-02-16
Age : 31

~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~   ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Icon_minitimeWed Apr 17, 2013 9:21 am

Dear diary,

Wow! Today was so hectic and different. I've got a lot to tell you, but I am not sure where to start! Lets see,,.. Right ! So I was going for an early jog today around Suna. Want to stay in shape since I don't really train all that much time here in Suna. I started out at the Armoury and headed North. The jog was really hard, obviously I didn't think about all the Sand which makes it a lot harder. But it's good to stay in shape! (No wonder all people here in stay slim) Just as I was about to head to the central part in Sunagakure where the Kazekage's palace is I saw some guy going head first into the sand. So I dashed over towards him to see if he was al right. He was! But he's really clumsy. Suddenly people flocked all over to us, honey or something..I'm not sure what they smelled. Before we could get into any really kind of conversation messenger hawks from the Arashi compound flew all over Suna, delivering mission scrolls to various people! (I actually hoped that there would be a letter from Kirito for me..) A hawk landed near me.. to give me a mission scroll as well! I had to report at the Kazekage's palace.

Once I arrived at the palace I met three other people. Hitokatchi-sama ( who would be our Genin-captain of this mission), Chi-san and Inuzaka-sama. I double-checked with the receptionist and with the instructor-sama who was briefing us. They both gave me the same answer that I was to go on this mission. Thus I did. Amegakure-nin were sent ahead of the Covenant's legion to scout. They took hostages at the Wind Temple in wind country. Our mission was to free the hostages and remove enemy threats. We headed out to the temple. When we we were almost at the temple we formed a plan. Me and Chi were ordered to flank the enemy nin (there were 4). Hito-sama would create a window in which we could slip past the guards. He would keep them occupied. All at the same time Inuzuka-sama would try to disarm the traps that were located underneath the bridge.

We headed out! We slipped past the guards easily, since Hito-sama did an amazing job at keeping the Amegakure no Sato shinobi occupied. ( He was throwing around money?) First me and Chi check the hostages, luckily they were alive and pretty much unharmed. At that point the guys just engaged the enemies. I dashed in to help..I missed by an -inch- I could feel the warm breath of the female nin against my fist. The guys owned the enemies big time. I didn't want anyone killed so I asked if we could take prisoners with us. The plan was to take one. But we ended up taking two! (Yes! two lives saved). We safely brought back the hostages..they were really grateful! It felt really good to help those people!

Anyway, I have to catch some sleep now!

Goodnight diary!

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Posts : 1694
Join date : 2013-01-30

~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~   ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Icon_minitimeThu Apr 25, 2013 5:29 pm


EDIT: Paid!
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Dm Nagato

Posts : 89
Join date : 2013-02-16
Age : 31

~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~   ~ Megumi Fukuda's diary ~ Icon_minitimeWed May 01, 2013 9:44 am

Dear diary,

I don't know where to much has happened recently. I hope this will all make sense to you..I'll do my best! So about 25 year ago a week ago the Covenant attacked. I was ordered to defend suna's eastern wall together with Masaru-kun, Alessia-chan and some..weird guy. At first the fighting went all right. Masaru-kun is soo strong! Anyway then the leader of the enemy attack force started to fight as well. He was -way- to strong for us. He wore a black robe with red clouds on it, it seemed like we were doomed. However just as he was summoning a gargantuan monstrosity he was called back to his leader. He vanished. The battle was won on all fronts and Sunagakure was still standing. The war was far from over though.

The next day I was walking through the streets of Suna when I suddenly started to feel very weird. The normally so beautiful moon turned as rood as blood. I can't really remember what happened next.. I felt so angry, so much rage. I saw Zero-kun and dashed towards him, the next thing I remembered was him piercing a dagger into my chest again, and again, and again. Everything went dark. I thought that this was it for me. That I was done for. However I woke up unharmed in some kind of resort. There were no windows nor was there a way out. I felt lost though..I was alone.. So I sat underneath some trees (weirdly enough they were ''growing'' in there). Soon other people appeared as well. One of them being Kirito! I know this will sound bad, but I was so happy that he was there too. I don't know what we would've done if he wasn't there. We soon found out that nothing changed in there. If you broke a glass it would reappear unharmed on the place where you took it from. Another odd thing is that time moved faster in that place. One day in..the ''real'' world was an equivalent of 10 years in our world. Which basically means that I'm 42 now...It was really weird. At some points I really felt like giving up, and when I did..nothing happened, since nothing -ever- -changed-! Kirito and Boushi-kun helped me staying sane though.

Anyway diary! I'll write some more about what has happened recently, I'm going to see kirito now. (We're almost 25 years together now!)


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