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 An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree"

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PostSubject: An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree"   An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree" Icon_minitimeSun Apr 14, 2013 1:14 pm

Hey Chigosaimaru!

Well I suppose since you are back from your visit at the hospital I should tell you everything that happened today! It was a really quiet day for the most part too buddy! I decided to head off to market and visit the shops around the Sandy Village. The air was really dry too, made my nose burn. The smell though coming from Sunagakure's restaurant totally made up for it. My mouth was watering, I really wanted some beef bits and cartilage to gnaw on. I would have picked you up a few bones by the way! It would be really nice as a after training snack. Let's see. . . afterwards I could really talk to you about the bizarre! I went there with hopes of picking you up a gift. Yeah boy, a nice collar of some kind. Mom had given her partner a collar when she was my age so I wanted to do the same. Just to show you how much you mean to me and how much I respect you. I feel like we complete each other!

After the trip to the bizarre I headed off to see the Airships take off! It's really something on the outskirts, so many dunes and so so so much SAND! I really oughta purchase some googles while we are staying here. So I watched an Airship take off! They move so swiftly Chi-kun. I bet you could get anywhere in the world in less than a day! Maybe one day we will both be able to purchase one and we can fly anywhere we want to boy! Does'nt that sound like fun? We could take flight and travel the world, just you and I. We'll have to dream big too, because we don't want anything to get in our way! I wonder what it would be like to play in the Snow in the land of Spring? I bet it is super cold and wet just like your nose! Haha, that's what my sister always says. She has three Nin-kin! I wonder if that makes her a prodigy in our clan? I don't know, and I'm not super interested in that many. I prefer quality and that's you my friend!

Well enough about my overachieving sister I have to tell you about lunch. You know we are staying with the Arashi, so they had all kinds of delicious foods and tasty treats. I think as long as we don't bark at the birds they have in the Avariy then they won't get upset with us. I know I know you like to make them squwak and fly off with their feathers in a frizzle but now is not the time for that! We will rally have to be on our best behavior! Although a trick here and there sound'nt cause to much trouble. Teehee. I saw this guy named Kirito walking around with another girl I think I had met at the Academy. I did'nt know she was an Arashi though. I wonder if she also uses Wind Ninjutsu? I myself never really bothered with it. I spent alot of my time with the medical squads. I am going to be a Nin-Kin Medical specialist! You know and raise you to be the best you can be! It's what my dad does. He uses his medical practice to enhance his partner. Makes him pretty much the pride of the clan that he has such a strong partner! But we'll surpass him, and my sister! We are the best after all!

So I ate all kinds of food that the Arashi gave us. It has pretty much been a buffet every day! I think my sister is quite taken with one of the Arashi guys though. They had blondish hair, and you know she goes all crazy for it. It reminds her of a Golden Retriever. That is her favorite breed. Hmm, so much talk about and really nothing to say boy. I suppose we'll have to get out there and train now that you are all better! There is so much to work on. But I overheard a guy talking about what medics have to do. We have to be careful and not get hit. I plan on not getting hit actually as our clan specialises in hit and run tactics! Hmm, I oughta go over those to just to make sure we get them all down packed. Since you have spent so much time in the hosptail. HEY! Don't bark at me, I know you were protecting me from that Covenant trash but still, I owe you my life. Mom says I chose the best out of the litter. You are the bravest even if you are the smallest little buddy! I love ya!

Yeah, I guess we are both runts! My sister was taller than I was at this age. I mean she is a girl though, aren't they usually taller than us for awhile? Ugh. . my mom makes so many jokes about it. Telling me I oughta eat alot more protein if I ever plan on getting bigger. The scrawny look won't work forever. Pfft, I am not scrawny were all muscle aren't we Chi-kun?! Yeah, I knew it. Mom is just being Mom. She thinks bullying us will make us stronger and she is right! Cause I'm going to show everybody what a really Inuzuka can do! I mean we already have a super great nose! We can find just about anything and anyone!
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PostSubject: Re: An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree"   An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 15, 2013 11:48 am

Here boy! Alright Chigosaimaru! Well today I met a friend from the Academy. Her name is Ana and I believe she uses puppets or dolls? Anyway it's kinda cool to meet a Puppeteer that is a special techinque that was developed here in Sunagakure where were staying at! Dad says that puppets are pretty tough for most Taijutsuists like us to get through but if you hit it with a solid enough attack then the puppet goes kaboom! That isn't it though! Dad says you have to be cautious because Puppeteers know their own flaws and utilize broken pieces of their puppets for surprise attacks! I mean, I suppose if you think about it it's like our collaboration techinques. Just not as cool cause their puppets aren't alive like you or me!

Anyway, so I met her, and she seems cool, I talked to some other implants from Konohagakure. One was a Yamanaka and the other was a girl I had seen walking around the village sometimes. OH and there was a Hyuuga. Their eyes are kinda creepy if you ask me but what ever. I suppose I'd just have to deal with the fact they can see through our clothes! If it were up to me, I would just run around naked, Chigosaimaru! I mean you do, and you are totally fine! Hmm, I wonder how come we have to wear clothes in Sunagakure anyway? I mean it's so hot and all, not wearing clothes would be justifiable. Well I suppose we'd get sunburned and cancer at higher rates. Maybe that's why? I'm not genius though! So I suppose I'd have to ask a Nara. . . or Karaiou. I think the Nara are better though!

Bah and speaking of Konohagakure Pride, I was harassed by some twerps from Sunagakure Academy. They claimed Ana and I were dating. Whoa. . don't look at me like that Chigosaimaru! I mean she is nice and all but no. We only just met and if mom found out. She'd chase her away! So, anyway these kids called me a loser and Konoha scum. Like really? I know boy you were ready to teach them a lesson but Shi-sempai beat us too it. She called out some scantly-clad bag of bones and spooked them! I was alittle on edge too, but I saw you Chigosaimaru, and you were totally on the offensive! That's whats so great about pals like you and Shi-sempai. Always ready to back someone up. I am honored to know you both! Ana did'nt seem to phased by their insults. Well I guess dating me should'nt have been too insulting. I mean. . . I think I am pretty good looking, geez women can really bring you down.

Bah, well that was really it for the day. There was'nt too much esle that happened other than the usual. Stayed overnight at the Arashi with the rest of my clan then ate breakfast. Headed out for a quick walk. Ate second breakfast. Went out for another walk. Trained on some collaboration techinques. Practiced fetch. Trained some more. That was that. I wonder what esle I could have done? Maybe I can apply to help out at the Academy? Would give me something to do, and if all esle fails I could go over some Shinobi basics. I mean that is pretty much a solid idea! I could totally practice some more with Chigosaimaru. Euurh, I mean with you Chigosaimaru! Teeheehee.

Well I suppose that is all for now. I need to head off and stop rambling. Mom will be around soon to teach Chigosaimaru and I some new techinques and some tricks. She said she was impressed with our resilents and combination, but we lacked the speed to execute them throughly. I may have to sit out of this Chuunin Exam that's coming up. Total bummer but I guess I haven't been out of the Academy that long in the first place! Bah, I wonder what cool shenanigans I'll have to pass up on? I beat it's super hard too!
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PostSubject: Re: An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree"   An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree" Icon_minitimeWed Apr 17, 2013 1:08 am

Chigosaimaru-kun! Wassup buddy?


So hey remember that B-ranked mission we completed! I am still so totally siked that we accomplished it! We were so cool. It was Juzo-Taichou, Megumi-Sempai, and Chi-Sempai. Of course you were there Chigosaimaru! Anyway, we were asked to head to the Western Wind Temple due to the Covenant holding hostages! Juzo-Taichou of course was asked to lead the mission and we acccomplished it pretty flawlessly I might add. Taking on a group of four Coveneant members and holding our ground. Juzo-Sempai was really clear and the Kunoichi with us seemed really knowledgable as well. I thought I was going to be left behind since I am not as experienced as the others but nope, Juzo-Sempai really let me feel like part of a team! Comradiry at it's best I suppose!


So we traveled to Wind Country's Temple and my nose lead the way! I noted that there was a large group of refugee heading to Sunagakure and the massive amount of odors was purely unfavorable, but as an Inuzuka I must show that my nose is capable of enduring any hardships. Once we got to the Temple that is, the smell of buring was abit much. The ash and smoke. . .yuck! Putrid. I know Chigosaimaru you hated the smell as well. Luckily though as I stated before we are trained for this sort of thing! So once we got there, we set eyes on the prize and boy was it scary!

That's right we witnessed a group of four Covenant Operatives watching the bridge that connected the land mass. At which point we laid down a plan to rescue as many as we could. After some deliberation we decided that Juzo-Taichou would distract them while both Kunoichi would sneak in the back and check on the status inside of temple! Chigosaimaru, you remember we were sent to disarm the explosive tags lining the bridge? Yup, and we accomplished that too! Then the Kunoichi set off the signal and Juzo-Taichou and you and I started in on the Covenant members. The battle was won quite well and we managed to take in two or three prisinors for questioning. I would have to say it was all in a days work! I wonder what Juzo-Taichou is up too? I'll have to go talk to him again soon!

Well that's all for now. Let's go for a walk Chigosaimaru-kun!

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PostSubject: Re: An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree"   An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree" Icon_minitimeFri Apr 19, 2013 3:52 pm

Hey Chigosaimaru! What a ruff day huh? Haha get it buddy? Well anyway yeah, we started the day off doing some laps you know. Like how we normally do, and then we headed off to the Academey to use their training facility! There we caught Ana-chan's scent and headed to the gym anyway. It was like killing two birds with one Tsuuga techinque! So we waited, and I watched her practice her escape techinque. She did rather well and seemed to be enjoying herself. However it is hard to tell with her. She does'nt really display that many emotions. She is either content, or upset. Haha but then again all women are right? Haha don't bark too loud we don't want Mom to know!

So yeah, she did her techinque, and then the guy left to head back to their instructors. I chatted with Ana-chan abit. She kept wanting me to use her name but that is so boring! I nickname all my friends. We'll we do. Yeah everyone has a nickname geez it's totally a sign of affection! Anyway so I headed off and had to confront some jerks talking bad about they kid who just helped Ana-chan. Sungakure Academy is totally a rough place. I wonder how they get missions done without killing one another once they are promoted to Genin? Anyway it was totally messed up how they were talking about him, just because he was a nice guy. So they tried to jump us three. That's right three, they forgot Chigosaimaru was there!

We dispatched them pretty quickly too! Knocking them on their butts and sending them to the nurse. Although I got hit pretty hard by a double team attack. Their collaboration techinque was something esle. It seems Chigosaimaru, you and I have some work to do! Never before have I taken a hit like that in the chest. Although you came to my aide did'nt you buddy? I have never seen a Tsuuga techinque with such accuracy you tore them to shreds! That's why you are my best friend, cause no matter what I know you will always have my back! Haha I love ya buddy!
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PostSubject: Re: An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree"   An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2013 12:22 am

(Training, thread)
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PostSubject: Re: An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree"   An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree" Icon_minitimeMon Apr 22, 2013 11:26 pm

(Protecting the Academy Students)
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PostSubject: Re: An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree"   An Inuzuka's Tail "Barking up the right Tree" Icon_minitimeWed Apr 24, 2013 12:55 am

(Air attack on Sunagakure)
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